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How to Increase Your Employees' Motivation
How to Increase Your Employees' Motivation

Working life in the business world can sometimes be full of various di...

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Adaptation and Biodiversity
Adaptation and Biodiversity

In natural habitats, it is of great importance that animals and plants...

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Google: Updated Inactive Google Account Policy
Google: Updated Inactive Google Account Policy

Google, Updated the Google Account inactivity period to two years...

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Colorful Folk Dances of the Mediterranean
Colorful Folk Dances of the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean is a region that has hosted many different cultures ...

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Marine Pollution and Prevention Methods
Marine Pollution and Prevention Methods

Marine pollution is an important environmental problem threatening n...

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Sea Life Through Fish Eyes
Sea Life Through Fish Eyes

When marine life is examined with a fish's eye, different color ...

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How The World Will Change By 2050
How The World Will Change By 2050

Until 2050, the world will experience a significant change due to fa...

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Would you like to make your life easier while using a computer
Would you like to make your life easier while using a computer

There are many keyboard shortcuts that can make people's life ea...

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Effects of Bees on the World Ecosystem
Effects of Bees on the World Ecosystem

Bees are an important part of nature and play an important role in t...

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Ancient Philosophy: Sokrates, Platon ve Aristoteles
Ancient Philosophy: Sokrates, Platon ve Aristoteles

Ancient Greek thought is one of the most influential philosophical m...

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