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Ancient Philosophy: Sokrates, Platon ve Aristoteles

Ancient Philosophy: Sokrates, Platon ve Aristoteles

Ancient Philosophy: Sokrates, Platon ve Aristoteles

Ancient Greek thought is one of the most influential philosophical movements in history, and the most important figures of this movement are Socrates, Platon and Aristotles. Socrates is known for his thoughts on many subjects such as the meaning of human life, the virtuous life and the nature of knowledge. Platon put forward his thoughts on subjects such as the ideal state model and the nature of real existence, and also produced works on the state, human spirit and epistemology. Aristotles, on the other hand, has done in-depth studies in the fields of natural philosophy, politics and ethics, and his thoughts in these fields are echoed until today.

Socrates is a philosopher immortalized by his thoughts. Although he did not leave many written works, his thoughts were recorded by his student Platon. Socrates, who had important thoughts on the meaning and virtuous life of human life, argued that people should know themselves and acquire wisdom. Socrates' most important contribution is his defense that wisdom is an "awareness of what is not knowledge".

Platon continued the thoughts of Socrates and developed his own philosophical views. While proposing an ideal state model in his work, The State, he also discussed issues such as justice, education and leadership. In addition, he also explained issues such as the immortality of the human soul and the nature of real existence. Platon's philosophical views are still one of the controversial topics in the field of philosophy today.

Aristotles was the last great figure of ancient Greek philosophy and had important thoughts on subjects such as nature, politics, and ethics. While he put forward his thoughts about reality and existence in his work titled Metaphysics, he shared his important thoughts on how to live the right life in his work called Nicomachean Ethics. In his work titled Politics, while proposing an ideal state model, he touched on issues such as equality, citizenship and freedom. Aristotles's thoughts have had a great influence on medieval philosophy and modern thought.

Ancient Greek philosophy is a current that still maintains its influence today. The thoughts of Socrates, Platon and Aristotles have led to many fields such as science, art and philosophy and have acquired a permanent place in world history. The legacy of these great thinkers has contributed to the advancement of human thought and inspired future generations.

In this article, the thoughts and legacies of Socrates, Platon and Aristotles, the most important figures of Ancient Greek philosophy, will be discussed.

Ancient Greek philosophy has greatly contributed to the fields of science and philosophy in the world today. The most famous names in the history of this philosophy are Socrates, Platon and Aristotles. In this article, the lives, philosophical thoughts and legacies of these three great philosophers will be discussed.

Socrates lived in Athens and is narrated by his student Platon. Socrates has worked on ethics and philosophy of knowledge and has put forward ideas especially about the process of human access to knowledge. Socrates' philosophy is as controversial as his life, and his maxims have survived to the present day.

Platon is a philosopher who continued this philosophical tradition as a student of Socrates and greatly influenced later philosophical thought. While Platon put forward thoughts on many subjects such as ontology, epistemology and political philosophy, he proposed a kingdom of philosophers in the literal sense of the word. Platon wrote important works such as The Republic, Faidon, and The Sophist.

Although Aristotles was a student of Platon, his philosophy and thoughts differ from Platon. Aristotles put forward ideas on many subjects and had a great influence on fields such as ontology, epistemology, political philosophy and natural philosophy. He wrote important works in fields such as Aristotles, Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics and Politics.

Ancient Greek philosophy still maintains its importance today, thanks to the thoughts and legacies of famous philosophers such as Socrates, Platon and Aristotles. The followers of these philosophers also left great influences on later philosophical movements.


Socrates is one of the most important figures of Ancient Greek philosophy. Although not much is known about his life, it is known that he was born in Athens and lived between about 469 and 399 BC. Socrates was a popular figure, especially among the youth in Athens, and would take to the streets to engage in philosophical discussions. Its philosophy is about self-knowledge and self-knowledge. According to Socrates, having the right knowledge makes a person happy and free. He emphasizes the importance of self-knowledge and says that people exhibit wrong behaviors due to ignorance. Socrates' philosophy was systematized and developed by his student Platon after his death.

Socrates' ethics is a fundamental question people will ask themselves, "What is good?" It's about answering the question. Socrates believes that the focus should be on universal moral values rather than individual interests. According to him, people need to be good individuals in order to achieve their goals. He argues that in order to heal people, you need to know yourself and others. Socrates' philosophy has had a great influence on modern Western thought and is a source of inspiration for many people even today.


Platon, one of the most important figures of ancient Greek philosophy, put forward important thoughts on many subjects such as ontology, epistemology and political philosophy. Platon made philosophical studies in order to understand the nature of reality and to propose an ideal model of society.

Platos's Philosophy of Ontology and Epistemology Platon's Political Philosophy
 - In Platon's philosophy of ontology and epistemology, he focuses on ideal forms for understanding reality. According to Platon, concrete objects are only reflections of ideal forms. Knowledge is possible by accessing these ideal forms.  - Platon's political philosophy is best expressed in his Republic. According to Platon, justice, education and leadership are important elements for an ideal state model.

Platon's thoughts appear among his works that he wrote in order to understand reality through the philosophy of ontology and epistemology and to propose an ideal model of society through political philosophy. His works such as The State, Faidon and Sophist are important.

  - The State: Platon, while proposing an ideal model of society, also discussed issues such as justice, education and leadership.

  - Faidon: Platon explains the immortality of the human soul and the true nature of existence.

  - The Sophist: In The Sophist, Platon discusses the source and definition of true knowledge while touching on the issues of rhetoric and philosophy of language.

Platon's thoughts had a great influence on subsequent philosophical movements. It was frequently referenced especially by medieval philosophers and made important contributions to the development of philosophy.

Platon's Works
Platon is among the most important figures of Ancient Greek philosophy and has written works on many subjects. Among the important works of Platon are works such as The Republic, Faidon and The Sophist.

In The Republic, Platon, while proposing an ideal model of society, also addressed issues such as justice, education, and leadership. The work is regarded as one of the most important examples of Platon's republican philosophy. While Platon proposes an ideal state model in the Republic, he argues that there should be a philosopher-king at the top of society.

In Faidon, Platon explains the immortality of the human soul and the true nature of existence. In Faidon, it can be thought that Platon's philosophical thoughts can be seen as a whole. Platon defends the immortality of the human soul and believes that in this direction, human beings will continue to exist after death.

In The Sophist, Platon touches upon issues of rhetoric and philosophy of language while discussing the source and definition of true knowledge. The sophist focuses on the nature of philosophy, the process of distinguishing between truth and illusion, and the nature of knowledge. While Platon suggests the correct use of the seeker of real knowledge in The Sophist, he also argues that it is inevitable to encounter illusions.

Platon's works are very important in terms of understanding the philosophical thoughts of the ancient philosopher. Platon, who made important philosophical suggestions both in terms of philosophy and for the future of society, made important contributions to Western philosophy.


Platon's Republic, while proposing an ideal model of society, also touches on issues such as justice, education and leadership. According to Platon, justice should be provided on equal terms for all and leaders should be trained to protect this justice.

As for education, Platon argues that people should receive education in accordance with their nature. Education should be structured according to people's abilities and everyone's natural abilities should be developed. In this way, harmony among the members of the society will be achieved.

The idea that leaders should also receive education is based on Platon's "Philosopher King" theory. Accordingly, people in leadership positions should undergo a philosophical training and should only tell and do the truth. In this way, the leaders of the society will uphold justice and make the right decisions.

In The Republic, Platon also deals with class differences in society. According to him, citizens in a society are divided into three classes: workers, soldiers, and philosophers. Each class must fulfill its natural function and cooperate with other parts of society.

These ideas had a significant impact on the political thoughts that emerged after Platon, as well as the thoughts of Platon.


Platon's Faidon is an important work in which the philosopher explains the immortality of the human soul and the true nature of existence. The book consists of dialogues with the people with whom Socrates spoke in the days before his execution and in his last hours.

Faidon argues that everything visible in the world undergoes change, but the real being, the soul, is immortal. In addition, Platon in the book explores the real existence of all objects on earth in connection with the immortality and existence of the soul. According to Platon, everything has a meaning and purpose, and this purpose is hidden in the real world of existence - that is, in the essence of nature.

Faidon is a must-read for anyone who wants to learn about Platon's philosophy. When anyone wants to think about such matters as the immortality of the soul or the true nature of existence, they can turn to an important source like Faidon.


Platon's The Sophist focuses on his thoughts on the source and definition of true knowledge. Platon argues that in the core of knowledge there should be correct ideas. However, unless the concepts known as the source of correct ideas are defined correctly, real information cannot be reached. Therefore, Platon also touches on the philosophy of language and rhetoric.

According to Platon, the function of language is not only to express the truth, but also to use it to persuade people and get their views accepted. However, this function of language can also distort reality and lead to false information. Therefore, Platon emphasizes the correct use of language and the importance of correct expression in philosophical thoughts.

While emphasizing Platon's importance of defining the right concepts in order to reach real knowledge, the Sophist also touches upon the power and correct use of language.

Platon's Legacy

Platon's thoughts are one of the important topics of philosophical debates today as well as in ancient times. Platon has put forward important views in many fields such as idealism, ontology, epistemology, political philosophy and philosophy of language. Platon's works were influenced by countless thinkers and philosophers, both in antiquity and in subsequent centuries.

Especially the great medieval philosophers Avicenna and Thomas Aquinas focused on Platon's philosophy. While Ibn Sina was working on Platon's philosophy of idealism, Thomas Aquinas studied Platon's ontological, epistemological and ethical views. Plato was also influential on Christian philosophy. Subjects such as Platon's understanding of God and immortality also occupy an important place in Christian philosophy.

  - Platon's thoughts have an important place in the history of western philosophy.

  - While Ibn Sina was working on Platon's philosophy of idealism, Thomas Aquinas studied Platon's ontological, epistemological and ethical views.

  - Platon's ontological, epistemological and ethical views have deeply influenced the history of western philosophy.

  - Platon's philosophy is an important subject of philosophical debates today as well as in antiquity.

  - Platon's philosophy is one of the main topics of philosophical debates today. Platon's philosophy of idealism, ontological, epistemological and ethical views continue their influence today as well as in antiquity.


Aristotles, one of the most important philosophers of ancient Greek philosophy, put forward important and effective thoughts on many subjects such as ontology, epistemology, political philosophy and natural philosophy. Aristotles was a student of Platon, but he adopted a realistic point of view as opposed to Socratic dialectics and idealistic approaches. Aristotles, along with other philosophers, was among the greatest philosophers of history.

Aristotles put forward his thoughts about being and reality in the field of ontology. According to Aristotles, every being has its own unique mode of existence. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate everything according to its own characteristics. In the field of epistemology, Aristotles suggested nature and observation as the source of right and wrong thoughts. According to him, accurate knowledge can be obtained through regular observation and experience.

In the field of political philosophy, Aristotles, while proposing an ideal state model, focused on issues such as equality, citizenship and freedom. Aristotles believed that people are social and political beings and therefore he argued that the state, which is a political structure, should be established to meet the needs of the people in the society. In the field of natural philosophy, Aristotles adopted a teleological approach while examining the nature of living things and the structure of the world. According to him, everything in nature has existed for a purpose, and studying nature is important to understand these purposes.

Aristotles's thoughts had a great influence on many later philosophical ideas, as well as Platon's. In particular, medieval thinkers took great interest in Aristotles's ideas and played an important role in the development of these ideas. Even today, Aristotles's thoughts have a great influence on philosophy and many other fields.

Works of Aristotles

Among Aristotles's works are important works such as Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics and Politics. Metaphysics deals with the views on existence and reality, which is one of the most fundamental subjects of philosophy. In this work, Aristotles explains the nature and essence of objects in the material and spiritual world by examining existence in four categories of causality. The Nicomachean Ethics is one of Aristotles's best-known works. In this work, he reveals his thoughts on how to live the right life. It tells what actions people should take in order to display correct behavior and good character traits. In Politics, Aristotles focuses on issues such as equality, citizenship and freedom while proposing an ideal state model for societies formed by people. Aristotles's philosophical thoughts, who think about how the subjects he deals with in his works will reflect on people and society, are among the subjects that are still widely discussed and critically evaluated today.


Aristotles's Metaphysics is one of his most important and influential works. In the work, Aristotles deals with his thoughts on existence and reality. According to him, existence is real and all existence has a cause. Aristotles argues that being has a four causal structure: matter, form, active cause, and purpose cause. In addition, Aristotles discusses the true nature of existence, the order and hierarchical structure of the universe.

Aristotles's Metaphysics had a profound effect on medieval philosophers and Christian theologians. Important thinkers such as Thomas Aquinas synthesized Aristotles's philosophy with the Christian faith. This process was an important turning point in the development of Western philosophy. Even anti-contemporary philosophers referred to some of Aristotles's philosophical concepts.

Ethics for Nicomachus

One of Aristotles's most famous works, Nicomachean Ethics is one of the most important ethical texts in the history of philosophy. The book reveals thoughts on how to live the right life.

Aristotles's theory of ethics deals with issues such as the purpose of human actions, human well-being, and the causes of human behavior. According to Aristotles, the purpose of human well-being is happiness, and this happiness can be achieved by right actions.

Aristotles treats ethics as an ultimate goal, and this purpose should be the highest goal of people. In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotles argues that living a virtuous life is possible by acquiring knowledge of virtues. According to Aristotles, virtue is the search for a middle way, and this middle way is a balancing point between extremes.

   Virtue    Excess    Lack
 - Courage    - Fearlessness    - Cowardice    
 - Justice    - Injustice    - Indifference  
 - Perseverance    - Indifference    - Reluctance  

In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotles also argues that happiness can be achieved not only at the personal level but also at the social level. Therefore, the book emphasizes the importance of moral leadership and good government.

Aristotles's ethical theories are still discussed today and are accepted by many philosophers as a reference source in the field of ethics.


Aristotles's work named Politics has been an important source on how an ideal state model should be with his thoughts and philosophy. According to Aristotles, humans are innate social beings and in an ideal society everyone lives together.

Aristotles argues that the purpose of the state is to ensure the happiness of its citizens. For this reason, it is necessary to manage the state correctly and to apply the rules well.

In Politics, Aristotles emphasizes the importance of equality and argues that everyone is equal before the law. In addition, he takes the concept of citizenship and says that people's law should be protected.

Aristotles also treated the concept of freedom. According to him, the freedom of citizens is a tool aimed at achieving happiness, which is the goal of the state. Therefore, the state needs to strike a right balance in limiting freedoms.

As in Platon's Republic, Aristotles proposed an ideal social order. However, the social order proposed by Aristotles is more realistic and more applicable than Platon's order. Politics has made an important contribution to the search for an ideal model of society and is still at the center of philosophical debates.

Aristotles's Legacy

Aristotles's thoughts had a great influence, especially on Western philosophy. The Aristotelian school of thought, in which Aristotles followed the classical line, influenced many philosophical currents such as Stoicism, Epicureanism and the Christian thought tradition that emerged in later generations.

Aristotles's philosophical works were used to shape Western philosophy during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. During this period, knowledge from Aristotles inspired many philosophical and scientific studies in Western Europe. Aristotles's thoughts in many fields such as ethics, philosophy of education, philosophy of nature, political philosophy and philosophy of logic were discussed by students and teachers in active academic circles.

Aristotles is seen as the founder of natural sciences in the ancient world, so his natural philosophy movement was also very influential for later generations. Biology studies based on Aristotles's observations led to many discussions and discoveries among medieval European scientists.

Aristotles's legacy has also been influential on many thinkers and scientists who laid the foundations of the modern world. For example, Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton criticized Aristotles's ideas in their studies and contributed to the development of modern science. For this reason, Aristotles is seen as a critical figure in the development of Western thought.

In conclusion, Aristotles's thoughts are very important in the history of philosophy. His work on natural philosophy inspired many directions that laid the foundations of modern science. In addition, his views on many philosophical fields such as political philosophy, ethics, logic and educational philosophy are still discussed today.