Many people think that when a software is developed, everything is done and finished. In fact, at that very moment, a challenging but enjoyable journey begins. Continuously analyzing your environment throughout the entire journey, shaping up again and again according to the results of these analysis, listening to your customers, staying up to date all the time... there are so many things that I can count on this journey...
It is not possible to go on a journey with ordinary software. Because ordinary software is like a litter that no one carries, your litter does not go anywhere, you cannot go either!. Your website gets a little older every day, a little more forgotten every day, and after a while, it doesn't attract anyone's attention like flickering candles. That's why ordinary software is destructive, just like mediocrity. As you give life to it, it will offer you all possibilities.
Yes, you read it right, the beauty of software can be mentioned as well as people, animals, flowers. The backgrounds of Web Sites, which have been turned into a pile of garbage using copy-paste code with the logic of what if it works, actually tell the incoming search engine bots how sloppy and neglected they are. That is why it is very important that the code that creates that image is clean, meticulous and attentive as much as the image of your site. Because search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.) decide whether your site is beautiful or not by looking at the codes, not the colors.